Almathera Ten Pack 3: CDPD 3
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276 lines
* Reference : Technical Info * Mon Jan 27 20:25:01 1992
============================== Introduction ==================================
This file contains some technical info and details about PowerVisor that
can be important to people writing scripts. If you are unsure about some
special feature you may find it here.
========================== Commandline parsing ===============================
This section contains very detailed information about commandline parsing.
The following steps happen when a command string is parsed. This parsing
happens whenever a command is entered or for commands that are executed
as arguments for other commands (like 'for', 'to', 'with', ...).
- Skip spaces
- Check for the ²comment character (';' by default)
If it is a comment, the rest of the commandline is ignored and
the parsing is stopped (0 is returned)
- Checks if there is an ²output suppressor ('-' by default)
If there is one, the output to the ³current logical window is disabled.
- Skip spaces
- See if the command is an ¹alias and if it is, replace the command string
with the ²alias string. All '[]' symbols in the alias string are
replaced with the rest of the commandline after the original command
- Skip spaces
- Check for the comment character (';' by default)
If it is a comment, the rest of the commandline is ignored and the
parsing is stopped (0 is returned)
- Checks if there is an output suppressor ('-' by default)
If there is one, the output to the current logical window is disabled
- Skip spaces
- See if there is a '{' (²command group). If there is we start parsing
each individual command in this group (seperated by ';') with the
algorithm described here. Note that comments do not work in groups
except when the comment appears in the alias string. After parsing
each individual command in the group, we stop the current parsing
(we return the result code of the last command in the group)
- If there is no '{' we check if the command is an assignment.
If it is we perform the assignment and stop the parsing (we return
the assigned value)
- If we are still here, we have a normal command
- Skip spaces
- See if the command exists. If it does not exist we generate a
'Syntax Error'
- If the command is empty we simply continue the last memory listing
(or disassembly)
- If the first argument of the command is a '?' we get the commandline
¹template and show it (0 is returned if successful)
- Finally we come to execute the command (the result of this command
is returned)
The situation is a bit different for the command typed in on the commandline
(the stringgadget). BEFORE the above algorithm is executed, the following
additional steps are called :
- Set the starting page for the current logical window to 0. This means
that we will get '-MORE-' when a full page of output has passed
- Skip spaces
- Check if there is a ³feedback suppress character in front of the line
('~' by default). If there is, we remove it from the commandline
and skip the following step
- Feedback the command on the current logical window (show the command
as it was typed in)
- Display the ²'-BUSY-' prompt
- Skip spaces
- Check if there is a ²quick-execute char ('\' by default) in front of
the commandline. When there is one we skip the following step and
skip the last step of this procedure
- Check if there is a ²'Pre' command to execute. A 'Pre' command is
a command that is executed everytime the user enters a command (See
'TheWizardCorner' for more information). If there is a 'Pre' command
it is executed (with the previous procedure for parsing)
- If the previous 'Pre' command failed (if it was executed) we
stop further parsing
- Use the previous procedure for parsing to parse the rest of the
- (This step is also skipped if the quick-execute char is present)
Check if there is a ²'Post' command to execute. A 'Post' command is
a command that is executed AFTER execution of the commandline
(See 'TheWizardCorner' for more information). If there is a 'Post'
command it is executed (with the previous procedure for parsing
From these two procedures you can draw some conclusions :
- Alias expansion is only done once. This means that you can't use
an alias in an alias. However, when you use this second alias
in a ²group operator, it will be converted. For example :
alias disp 'print []'
alias print 'disp []'
will simply redefine 'print' to mean 'disp' and 'disp' to mean 'print'.
alias disp '{print []}'
alias print '{disp []}'
will cause an infinite loop when you call any of these two commands.
This is because alias expansion is done again for each command in
a group. PowerVisor checks for stackoverflow so don't worry.
- If you want more ²prefix operators on the same commandline you have
to observe the following order :
~ \ -
================================ Hold mode ===================================
While in ²hold mode, PowerVisor only waits for the ²hot key signal and for
a crash. All other signals are ignored until the window is back again.
=========================== Expression parsing ===============================
Default ²operator priorities (you can change them with the 'pvcall' command).
Note that these priorities are the same as used in standard C.
Priorities between 1 and 10 are supported (1 is low priority)
Op Function Default priority
* Multiply 10
/ Divide 10
% Modulo 10
+ Add 9
- Subtract 9
<< Left shift 8
>> Right shift 8
> Greater than 7
< Less than 7
>= Greater or equal 7
<= Less or equal 7
!= Not equal 6
== Equal 6
& And 5
^ Xor 4
| Or 3
&& Logical and 2
|| Logical or 1
Here are some remarks for expression evaluation :
- ²Decimal integers always start with a non-zero digit
- Hexadecimal integers start with a zero digit or with '$'
- ²String pointers always start with double quotes '"'
- '-','~' and '!' are unary operators. The element directly after
the operator is evaluated and the operator is applied.
This means that these unary operators have the highest priority
possible. Unary operators are ALWAYS evaluated first.
- The ²'*' operator is also a unary operator. The same comments
as for the normal unary operators apply here. The only difference
is the dot '.' that may appear after the evaluated element.
- The ²':' operator expects two string arguments (these string arguments
do not support the '\' operator). The first argument (before
the ':') is the list name. If you omit this argument the current list
is used. The second argument (after the ':') is the list element.
If you omit this argument the first element in the list with a name
is used.
- The ²'&' operator. After the '&' operator follows a ':' operator.
- The ²'@' operator. The following '@' elements are supported :
d0 ... d7
a0 ... a6
- A ²group operator '{' is evaluated by executing all commands in
the group. The result of the group is the result of the last
command in the group.
The group operator is disabled when you use the expression evaluator
from within a debug task.
- A normal string starting with a single quote '''.
The following steps are used to evaluate a string starting with
a quote :
- The first thing to do is to check if the string is a symbol in
the current debug task. This check is ²case sensitive.
No ¹abbreviations are possible.
- If the previous check failed we check if the string is an
abbreviation for an element in the current list.
This check is ²case insensitive.
- Otherwise an error is generated
- A name. This is a sequence of characters starting with a alphanumeric
character or an underscore '_'.
The following steps are used to evaluate the name :
- First we check if the name is a variable or a function.
This check is case insensitive. No abbreviations are possible.
- If the previous check failed we check if the name is a
loaded ²library function (with 'loadfd'). This check is case
insensitive. No abbreviations are possible.
- Otherwise we continue with the evaluation for strings with
a single quote.
Here follows the ¹syntax for ²PowerVisor expressions :
<name> is a syntaxical element
[] indicate optional items
{} repeat the items 1 or more times
| choose between several items
() group items
# is used for the ascii value of a character
\ all items after this operator are excluded from the list
before this operator (the 'all-except' operator)
.. indicate a range
<expression> ::= <element> [<operator> <expression>]
<element> ::= <integer> | <unary operator> | <brackets> |
<list operator> | <list address operator> | <group>
<integer> ::= <hexadecimal int> | <decimal int> | <variable> |
<function> | <string pointer> | <debug symbol> |
<current list element> | <register> | <library function>
<hexadecimal int> ::= ('0' | '$') [{<hex-digit>}]
<decimal int> ::= ('1'|'2'|'3'|'4'|'5'|'6'|'7'|'8'|'9') [{<dec-digit>}]
<variable> ::= <name>
<function> ::= <name> '(' [ <expression>
[{<whitespace> <expression> }]] ')'
<debug symbol> ::= <name> | <string>
<current list element> ::= <name> | <string>
<library function> ::= <name> '(' [ <expression>
[{<whitespace> <expression> }]] ')'
<register> ::= '@' ( ('d'|'D')(<dec-digit> \ ('8'|'9')) |
('a'|'A')(<dec-digit> \ ('8'|'9')) | 'sp' | 'pc' | 'sr')
<unary operator> ::= <negation> | <logical not> | <bitwise not> |
<address operator>
<negation> ::= '-' <element>
<logical not> ::= '!' <element>
<bitwise not> ::= '~' <element>
<address operator> ::= '*' <element> ['.' ('b'|'w'|'l')]
<list operator> ::= [<name>] ':' [<name> | <string>]
<list address operator> ::= '&' <list operator>
<group> ::= '{' [{<command>}] ['}']
<command> ::= [<prefix operator>] ((<name> [{<expression>|<string>|
<name>}]) | <assignment>)
<prefix operator> ::= '-' | ';'
<assignment> ::= (<name> | <register> | <address operator>) '='
<brackets> ::= '(' <expression> [')']
<name> ::= ('_'|<alphachar>) [{'_'|<alphachar>|<dec-digit>}]
<string> ::= ''' [{<string-char>|<quote operator>|<strong quote>}] [''']
<string pointer> ::= '"' [{<stringptr-char>|<quote operator>|
<strong quote>}] ['"']
<quote operator> ::= '\' (<integer quote>|<char quote>)
<strong quote> ::= '·' <endchar> {#<x>} <endchar>
<char quote> ::= <hex-digit> <hex-digit>
<integer quote> ::= '(' <expression> [<whitespace> <formatstring>] ')'
<formatstring> ::= {#<x> \ ')'}
<alphachar> ::= 'a'|'A'|'b'|'B'|...|'z'|'Z'
<hex-digit> ::= <dec-digit>|'a'|'b'|'c'|'d'|'e'|'f'|'A'|'B'|'C'|'D'|
<dec-digit> ::= '0'|'1'|'2'|'3'|'4'|'5'|'6'|'7'|'8'|'9'
<whitespace> ::= ' '|','|#9
<stringptr-char> ::= #<x> \ ('\'|'"')
<string-char> ::= #<x> \ ('\'|''')
<x> ::= 1..255